Monday, July 30, 2007

narf part II

Crap. I always forget about this thing. But I know that no one reads it anyways.

Well, the conversation I had with Joe about Evolution vs. Christianity was very difficult. I don't think I brought it up, because I HATE confrontation. So, he just said a lot of crap and kept saying "I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just telling you the truth about what I think", but I think he WAS being a jerk because he knew what I believed (and, actually believed it himself at one point). He just kept saying that he thought Christianity was stupid, and that if there was a God out there, He was going to have to show Himself to him because he doesn't see any evidence that He's there.

Ya know what I think though? I think that he just wants to do whatever he wants to do; that he doesn't want to bow. I think that he doesn't want to believe that he needs a savior, that there is someone that he has to consider lord other than himself. He just wants to be lord of his own life. He has all these grandiose ideas about himself, he thinks he is doing great things and becoming really successful. But I think that his success will be fleeting because it is all about him and he doesn't care about others. And I think he has real trust issues, because we talked about what is said in the Bible about "eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth", and I said, "But Jesus told us to take it to the next level and 'if your brother strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other; and if he takes your cloak, do not refuse him your tunic,' etc." He then replied that he would never do that because "I will never let anyone hurt me again." Granted, he had a terrible childhood, and I can understand his sentiments. But it just seems like he has put a guard up that does not need to be there--he is paranoid of a threat that doesn't exist! No one is out to get him! I pray that he will be able to speak to his counselor and work through that mentality of "i will never be hurt again". Because unless you are a robot, people are going to hurt your feelings and take from you and lie to you. I guess I feel like I just don't matter that much in the whole scheme of I don't feel like it is a good use of my time trying to make sure that no one will ever hurt me. If someone tries to hurt me, it's not like I won't put up a defense. But to be concerned all the time that "I must make sure that I will never be hurt again--no one will ever take advantage of me!" seems like it is just a waste of time and energy. I find my identity in Christ, and I don't need self-justification. Although I have to die to myself daily (oh, Lord help me to do this!), I die to my need to defend who I am and justify my actions. I pray that this would be true for me, always.

Monday, July 2, 2007


This past week was quite interesting.

I'm usually not someone that gets much attention from the least not in terms of flirtation. But I was sitting at All Saints getting some tea and planning to read, when this guy Joe I knew comes up and asks me how I'm doing. I haven't seen him in 2 years, and we ended up talking for 2 hours! I thought it went really well.

We had a little date last Saturday night, which was really chill--just watching The Princess Bride and drinkin' a little beer at his place. He said that he would be MIA for a few days because of school and tests he was going to have to take, so I didn't hear from him again until Wednesday. I couldn't pick up my phone when he called because I was in my prayer group with some friends. I called back twice and left messages, but I didn't hear from him until Friday when I was shopping with Kate. By the time he called me, I had already made plans (if you wanna date me, you're going to have to call me earlier or else I'm gonna have plans already!). So we kinda made plans to hang out this Saturday sometime.

Friday night was a blast. I went shopping with Kate for clothes for work. I absolutely abhor shopping because everything makes me feel fat. That was still pretty much the case, but Kate helped me find some great stuff. I really like her taste. :) After shopping, we got some veggies and cake from Publix and met up with Lindsey, Lois, and Carla to eat dinner and watch The Royal Tenenbaums. I had never watched it before! It was really good. I told Joe that I was watching it, and he said that he hated Wes Anderson movies. Red flag #3 (#1: he's not a Christian, so automatically we're not going to have a big piece of our life in common; and #2: he seemed really self-centered and he bragged a lot when we talked for the 2 hours...humility is much more attractive to me).

Saturday was great. I got to have breakfast at Waffle House with my roomie Jen. We went to Dollar General and the library, and brought home some movies she had to watch for class. We watched Papillon together, with Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. Then I had to go to get my hair cut at Aveda. She did a fantastic job! Then when I was leaving, the sky opened and we had the worst rainstorm we'd had in a long long long time. I decided to drive a couple one-way roads, but I got to a point on Gadsden where there was a sign that said: Road Subject to Flooding. And, sure enough, there were trashcans floating and everything--a big truck beside me went thru it, but I knew I would flood my car for sure. So I turned onto Third or something like that, got onto Monroe, and then almost flooded my car by turning onto Thomasville. But luckily I remembered something my friends Becky and Todd taught me--as long as you are keeping exhaust coming out of the pipe, water can't come in. So I just kept pushing on the gas and I made it through! My adrenaline was pumping, I was totally freaked out. Anyway, I went to meet my friend Alison (from work) at the Coffee Pub. The weather was really cool to watch, but the chairs outside were too wet to sit on, so we hung out on the couch with our coffees. We talked for THREE HOURS. She's a really cool lady. Then, I had to go to dinner with Mary, Debbie, Debbie's bf, and Mike. I hadn't seen Mary, Debbie and Mike in so long! We ate at Sahara, a Greek/Lebanese restaurant. Delicious and tons of fun. :) After that, I still hadn't heard from Joe, so I called to leave a message, but I made plans to go see Sarah Mac Band play at the Warehouse. I got to talk to my friend Katie for a little bit, and that was cool. Joe finally called, he said he didn't really feel like going to a show, so he suggested going to All Saints. Good enough for me.

So we met up, and had a pretty good start to the chat. He just had a ken-po test, something-or-other, and did really well. So that's cool. I don't really think he asked me what I'd been up to...I guess he just didn't really care (self-centered, ya know). Anyways, I don't remember how it came up, but I really and truly don't think I brought it up: evolution vs. christianity.

To be continued...